Postpartum hair loss is a common phenomenon among women after birth, usually occurring between 4 and 14 weeks postpartum.
This phenomenon, linked to the drop in pregnancy hormones, is not inevitable: JOONE anti-hair loss supplements are a natural remedy to restore strength and vigor to your hair. They contain vitamin B6 and B8 essential for hair growth, as well as blueberry extract with anti-oxidant properties and promoting microcirculation of the scalp.
Our supplements are a natural solution to revitalize and strengthen your hair after childbirth, and with each change of season. Day after day, your hair will be healthier, stronger and more beautiful: a boost of self-confidence for a smooth transition to the new maternal life.
Made in France in the Montpellier region, they contain the best plant extracts, minerals and vitamins to curb postpartum alopecia and contribute to stronger, shinier hair. The exclusive formulation of JOONE anti-hair loss supplements is free of coloring, flavoring, preservatives and gluten. It is suitable for a vegan diet. It is advisable to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using.