Image par défaut produits post partum


Fall for our essential and comforting care products and our dietary supplements, to help you gently reconnect with your body after childbirth.

Nos catégories

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Our certified organic care rituals made in France have been designed to offer your body all the gentleness it deserves.

our best sellers

All our postpartum care products

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Certified organic and made over  97% natural ingredients, our post-partum care products are  made in France. Breastfeeding-compatible, they have been designed to exacting specifications to respect your health and bring you all the softness and serenity you deserve every day.

Our care products are certified

  • Ecocert

    Certified organic

  • Ecocert

    Certified natural

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Our care products
do not contain

  • Ne contient pas d'huiles essentielles

    d'huiles essentielles